Hey patriot,
I've got something insane to share with you, but first I wanted to thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this (whether or not you buy from me).
I think it's safe to say that you're reading this because you care about your family's safety.
You're probably the person that expects the unexpected...
You spend a lot of your spare time making sure you have everything you need in case something goes sideways...
And If there's ever an emergency (God forbid), you want to be "that guy" who can jump into action to handle it.
The hero straight out of the movie that protects his family when they need it most.
Well I've always been that guy since I can remember.
In fact one of the reasons I started MyTacticalPromos was because I met a lot of Fathers (and Mothers) who just wanted to protect their family, but didn't know where to start.
I'm embarrassed to say it, but when I started down my own path to preparedness...
I had no idea what I was doing.
I couldn't start a fire without a lighter.
I couldn't hunt for food.
I didn't even know what a bugout bag was.
It's honestly taken several years of learning and practicing to develop the skills I have today.
But even with decades of experience and running a survival company, I still learn something new everyday.
And a little over a year ago today, I learned something that actually shocked me...